The track is a wondrous place of open spaces with wide skies, fruitful hedgerows, at their finest in Autumn, with the leaves golden, burnt orange and deep red. The berries are bursting with baking possibilities and the most perfect purple stems, leaves and fruit of sloes call for harvesting. In summer too it is a spot to pick, or collect the pollen from wild flowers and the Pear Tree and Plum Bush. The Pear Tree bears fruit each year, some sweet and some sour, depending on her mood. Her upper branches waft gently, while below it can be dark and gloomy, giving an air of foreboding to all but the most adventurous fairy. It is told in fairy folklore that every year the Pear Tree produces one golden pear, though none of the Knapwell Wood fairies have ever seen one, or even heard of one being found and brought back to the wood. There is mention in the old ash library of a young meadow fairy once finding a golden pear, although quite what that the meant, the book didn't reveal.
Owl hole